Based on the original weatherstation from Stanka Petric some features have been added.
Data is stored in a MySQL database and presented with brand new software from Guus Lieben. The software is available at github but this will be shown later on. Second is the live upload to Wunderground.
The hardware used for this weatherstation:
Raspberry PI model A
- DHT-22 Humidity sensor
- DS18B20 – External temperature sensor
- BMP180 – Pressure sensor
- BH1750FVI – Light sensor
- SDS-011 – Particle sensor
How to connect all those sensors
Connect the sensors as mentioned in the picture below. The SDS-011 sensor will be connected to a free USB port.

Install the Raspberry with the latest Rasbian Lite version. This can be found here:
Once the installation is finished add Nginx as webserver: Modify the config so the default home folder will be \var\www\WeatherStation instead of \var\www\html
MySQL server
I used an excisting MySQL server. make sure you allow the raspberry Pi to enter the database remote.
Next step is obtaining the software for the different parts.
This will be soon added to this website.